The National POW/MIA Memorial and Museum needs your help.
On May 25th 2023, H.R.3670 – National POW/MIA Memorial and Museum Act was introduced to the 118th Congress. This Bill designates the Memorial and Museum that will be constructed on an approximately 26-acre area on the POW-MIA Memorial Parkway in Jacksonville, Florida, as the “National POW/MIA Memorial and Museum.”
H.R.3670 will officially designate the Memorial and Museum as National.
It needs co-sponsors, so please contact your Representative today to urge support.
Contact your Representative to Co-Sponsor H.R.3670
To find your representative, please click on the button below and type your zip code under “FIND YOUR REPRESENTATIVE” in the box located in the upper right hand corner of the website.
Why seeking a National designation is important:
This will assure to all Missing in Action families, former Prisoners of War, veterans, those currently serving and the general public that there is a site that will remember, honor, and educate by sharing POW/MIA stories.

Why we chose the site at former NAS Cecil Field, Master Jet Base (1941-1999):
The “Vietnam War Memorial” of POW/MIA pilots was erected in 1973, now known as “Hero’s Walk & Freedom Trees” on this historic site.
Mary Hoff was the POW/MIA flag creator and wife of
LCDR Michael G. Hoff, who is one of the pilots at the Memorial.
Our non-profit organization is all volunteer and supports the mission to providing the fullest possible accounting for our missing personnel to their families and the nation. To learn more and get involved, visit us at powmiamemorial.org. Together we can honor our POW/MIAs and ensure their stories are never forgotten.