We are proud to have the official endorsement of H.R. 4446 from the National League of POW/MIA Families for the National Designation.
Dear Members of the Board,
On behalf of the Board of Directors of the National League of POW/MIA Families, this letter serves as notification of our strong endorsement of the Cecil Field POW/MIA Memorial, Inc., and support for efforts to designate a portion of former Naval Air Station Cecil Field as the National POW/MIA Memorial and Museum. Toward achieving this objective, we unanimously support passage of H.R. 4446 to officially establish that designation and will be seeking widespread support.
As we understand it, the 26-acre property, located on POW/MIA Memorial Parkway, Jacksonville, Florida, will serve as the only public memorial museum of its kind that will focus on missing and unaccounted-for POW/MIAs, in every branch of service from all wars and conflicts. It will not only be a place to honor these missing Americans, but will also provide visitors interactive education about the history of the POW/MIA accounting mission and ongoing efforts by our government and private citizens to achieve the fullest possible accounting.
The National League of POW/MIA Families was incorporated in 1970 with a single, three-fold purpose: the release of all prisoners, the fullest possible accounting for the missing, and repatriation of all recoverable remains of those who died serving our nation during the Vietnam War. The POW/MIA flag originated with the League in 1970 and is now recognized as a symbol of all Americans missing and unaccounted-for from our nation’s past wars and conflicts.
This POW/MIA logo is known throughout the world and signals to America’s Armed Forces that should they be captured or become missing, our nation will do its very best to return them to their families and the country they served. The effort to account as fully as possible for unreturned US veterans continues at a level higher than ever before in our nation’s history, and we are determined to press ahead until our realistic accounting objectives are achieved.
The League deeply appreciates the vision of Cecil Field POW/MIA Memorial, Inc. in moving forward to establish this commemorative location as a destination for all who wish to honor and remember these warriors who served our country in ways most US personnel were not called upon to endure. When the National POW/MIA Memorial and Museum is completed, it will serve as a symbol to America’s veterans, family members, historians and everyday citizens of our nation’s determination to stand behind those who serve our country – including our POWs and MIAs – and make every reasonable effort to bring them home.
Ann Mills-Griffiths
Chairman of the Board & CEO
cc: League Board of Directors