There are tens of thousands of untold stories of men still missing in action from America’s wars; stories still looking for their endings. Once someone goes missing, those who love them become a part of the story. The families of these men are still searching for these endings. The families’ stories are unique unto themselves.
The National POW/MIA Memorial & Museum will become a home of sort for the missing, while giving people a place to learn of the sacrifices involved in keeping America free and to feel a part of the stories themselves. It will be a testament to, a warning against the ways war has been fought, and hopefully will never be fought again.

Richard Downes, President
Coalition of Families of Korean & Cold War POW/MIAs
(Lt. Hal Downes, father, MIA North Korea 1/13/1952)
The Coalition of Families of Korean and Cold War POW/MIAs pursues answers to the fate of 7500 missing American servicemen from the Korean and Cold Wars.